Rose & Pentagram Design 2229 East 34th St., Mpls, MN 55407 U.S.A.(612) 729-4585 E-mail us
Machine-washable fabric boards: Fidchell, Pope Joan, Morris, Backgammon, Ringo, Checkers, Cribbage
Historic & Modern Novelty Dice: Put & Takes, Lord & Lady Dice©, Dragon Dice, Nightmare Dice©, Knucklebones
Period Cards, Early Card Games, Visconti Tarot, Tarot of Marseilles, 16th century German cards, Solitaire cards
Hnefatafl, Cribbage, 17th Century Dominos
Wooden Checkers, Game rule bookets
Our own original Tshirt Designs
Large One-of-a-Kind works of Celtic Art
Gallery of past Knotwork Designs
New works in Progress, or products coming soon.
How we got started/Company history.
Links on history of Games, or for historical reenactors.
Art Shows, Renfaires or reentactments we are attending.
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Games are like languages -they have "dialects," or regional variations. Because we teach our games at historical re-enactments, our customers also teach us the rules they know. We want our customers to be able to obtain new variations as we update our rules.

Rose & Pentagram Design
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